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Quote of the Day
Your list has always been interesting, idiosyncratic, imaginative and your translations [...] have been a source of pleasure to me.
Al Alvarez


Photo of Sinéad Morrissey reading at the T S Eliot Prize Award Ceremony, January 2014 All event details are correct at the time of posting, but check the event websites for any last-minute cancellations or changes.

Pictured: Sinéad Morrissey reading from
Parallax at the T S Eliot Prize Award Ceremony, January 2014. Photograph by Adrian Pope
Saturday 13th January 

New North Poets & Clare Pollard with special guest Caroline Bird

Poetry Cafe, 22 Betterton Street, London WC2H 9BX

3.30 - 5.30pm

The Poetry School and New Writing North present a free reading from the New North Poets, their mentor Clare Pollard and special guest Caroline Bird! The New North Poets are a group of talented poets from the North of England, selected for a New Writing North / Poetry School mentoring scheme with lead tutor Clare Pollard. The 2017/19 New North Poets are Michael Brown, Elizabeth Gibson, Jasmine Chatfield, Rosa Walling-Wefelmeyer and Maria Isakova-Bennett.
Tickets are free, but should be booked in advance. Email to be added to the guest list.

Sunday 14th January

T.S. Eliot Prize Readings featuring Tara Bergin, Caroline Bird & Robert Minhinnick

Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road, London SE1 8XX

7 - 9.15pm

Book Tickets

Marking the 25th anniversary of the TS Eliot Prize and presented by Ian McMillan, the 2017 Shortlist Readings is a major highlight of the literary calendar. The ten shortlisted poets taking part are Tara Bergin, Caroline Bird, Douglas Dunn, Leontia Flynn, Roddy Lumsden, Michael Symmons Roberts, Robert Minhinnick, James Sheard, Jacqueline Saphra and Ocean Vuong.

Monday 15th January 

Locally Sourced Productions present Richard Price with Nicola Burnett Smith

The Alliance, 40-42 Mill Lane, London NW6 1NR


Free admission. More info here

Thursday 18th January

Over the Edge reading with Martina Evans, Nicola Geddes & Edna Faye Kiel

Galway City Library, St Augustine Street, Galway, Ireland

6.30 - 8pm

This reading marks the fifteenth anniversary of the first Over The Edge reading in Galway City Library. More info here

Wednesday 24th January

Vahni Capildeo - Goldsmiths Poetry Reading
More information TBC here

Tuesday 27th February
Vahni Capildeo at Lancaster University: 6pm
Part of the University's Visiting Writer's Programme, the event is free to attend and refreshments will be provided. More details tbc

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