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Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Jon Glover

Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Categories: 21st Century
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (96 pages)
(Pub. Sep 2008)
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  • Close your eyes to make
    it large, larger, largest. Someone can see it
    and put it on film, so like a picture, so like an echo
    attracting and repelling across what you can only
    imagine as noise in a vast cathedral dome, knocking
    for a door, logged in your head, wordless.

                                            from ‘Magnetic Resonance Imaging’
    In hospital for a scan, Jon Glover became fascinated by the ways in which Magnetic Resonance Imaging creates pictures of the hidden processes of the nervous system. It could express what is already written within the human body, in all organic life and the earth itself. Whether in the hospital scanner or the vast particle accelerators exploring the fabric of the universe in laboratories deep underground in Geneva, the process of making atoms collide to reveal new meanings tells a story, written in the brain, on the walls of a cave, in a poem. The poems in Magnetic Resonance Imaging grew out of an enforced awareness of the fragility of the human body; they grow into an understanding of the indestructible force of the imaginative energy that constantly rearranges existing elements into new forms.

    Cover image Half of the CMS inner tracker barrel, part of the Large Hadron Collider, CERN, Geneva. Photograph copyright CERN. Cover design by
    Table of Contents

    Upstate Again

    Came Back   
    Coal Bags   
    Bullet or Fossil   
    Darkrooms: In the Box   
    I Thought of Pretty   
    You’re Gone; Like Ears   
    Dare Like Dead   
    Driving Down   
    The Beautiful Machines   
    More Trash   
    Snakes Again   
    Themselves Dry   
    Walking, Not Waking   
    Way Through   

    Seeing As

    Something Like   
    Ancient Lost Poems   
    Flying The   
    Oh, Crying This  
    The Sun Rocking   
    Caen and York   
    Button Box   
    Duty Free   
    The Function of Dreams   
    The Study Floor   
    Watch on Deck   

    The MS Poems

    Back to the Diagnosis   
    My Mother’s Microscope   
    Sucking a Pencil   
    Pens Unpurchased   
    Make Over   
    Picture It as if from a Cave   
    Like CERN   
    CERN: Frontiers, Grave-Diggers   
    A Shared Vision   
    Magnetic Resonance Imaging   
    Cast Adrift   
    Time Travel   
    Sound Waves   
    Carbon Holdings   


    Digitised Returns   
    The Census Form Poem   
    Furnace Fires   
    Glimpse in the Furnace Shed   
    Skin Filed for the Job   
    1946 for Safe Keeping In   

    Postscript: Seeing As    

    Jon Glover was born in Sheffield in 1943 and grew up in south London. He studied English and Philosophy at the University of Leeds, where he met Jon Silkin and began a long association with Stand magazine, of which he is now Managing Editor. Jon Glover is an Honorary Fellow of ... read more
     'Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Jon Glover is my book of the year'
    Ian McMillan, The Verb, BBC Radio 3 (December 2008)
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