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Eyes To See Otherwise: Selected Poems

Homero Aridjis

Edited by Betty Ferber and George McWhirter

Cover Picture of Eyes To See Otherwise: Selected Poems
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Categories: 20th Century, 21st Century, Latin American, Spanish and Catalan, Translation
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (220 pages)
(Pub. Nov 2001)
£16.95 £15.25
Digital access available through Exact Editions
  • Description
  • Author
  • Awards
  • Eyes To See Otherwise is the first extensive selection of poems by leading Mexican poet Homero Aridjis to appear in English. The range and quality of the translations, by some of America's finest poets, marks the centrality of his work on the map of modern poetry.
    Homero Aridjis
    Homero Aridjis, twice a Guggenheim Fellow, was born in Michoacán, of Mexican-Greek antecedents, in 1940. Poet, novelist, columnist and activist, he is president of International P.E.N. He was Mexican ambassador to the Netherlands and to Switzerland. Among other marks of recognition, in 1997 he received the Prix Roger Callois in France ... read more
    Betty Ferber
    Betty Ferber is the translator of three novels by Homero Aridjis: 1492 The Life and Times of Juan Cabezon of Castile, The Lord of the Last Days: Visions of the Year 1000 and Persephone. With Canadian/Irish poet George McWhirter she co-edited Eyes to See Otherwise, Selected Poetry of Homero Aridjis.  As ... read more
    Awards won by Homero Aridjis Winner, 1997 Prix Roger Callois
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