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I'm filled with admiration for what you've achieved, and particularly for the hard work and the 'cottage industry' aspect of it.
Fleur Adcock

Not Only I

Chris McCully

Cover Picture of Not Only I
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (220 pages)
(Pub. Nov 1997)
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  • Miles up I don't know where I am or care.
    Pressure, fracture deliver me to air.
    Without your hard completion nothing's whole.
    I dreamed your body back across the Pole.


    When Chris McCully's first book of poems, Time Signatures (Carcanet, 1993), appeared, the Observer described the poet as `a keen fly-fisher, a translator of Old English poetry and an expert prosodist; and these skills have miraculously combined so that almost every poem alights on the surface of the reader's mind with absolute integrity, judgment, and profound allure'. McCully was, it added, `a major poet in the making'. In Not only I, a collection of love poems, he begins to fulfil that promise. His international reputation as a linguist, philologist, writer and theorist informs the collection, from the choice of inevitable structures to the explored cultural and individual difficulties of desire and loss. In this generous-and often wry-book, a poetic talent comes to maturity and finds its achieved voice.
    Chris McCully, born in Bradford, Yorkshire in 1958, worked as a full-time academic, specialising in the history of the English language and on English sound-structure as well as on verse and verse-form, at the University of Manchester (1985–2003). From 2003–13 he worked part-time at various universities in the Netherlands (Vrije ... read more
    Praise for Chris McCully 'His verse is crisp and propulsive... At its best, McCully's translation is clear and readable, hitting the beats of Old English metre, and offering punchy phrases'

    Caroline Batten and Charles Tolkien-Gillet, Translation and Literature

    'This is a commendable and exhilarating book, McCully admirably bringing to life the world of honour, weirdness and creatures beyond our ken.' 

    Anthony Clay, Chase  

     'McCully gets the life of words, their swing and weight, resonance and cadence. The poems spark with great lines and phrases...'
    Literary Review
     'This is a singular collection from a singular voice in English poetry, and I highly commend it.'
    Phillip Quinlan, Angle
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