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Ian Pindar

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Categories: 21st Century
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
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(Pub. Aug 2011)
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(Pub. May 2011)
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  • Description
  • Excerpt
  • Author
  • Contents
  • Awards
  • Yesterday the heat
    The light receded    the shadows tapered into long rays . . .

    ‘Hey you, do you know where we are?’

    How comforting a light in the darkness
    Any light
                             from ‘Archaeologies’

    Pindar's writing gestures towards a public language . . . though this is regularly undermined by the comic and sardonic . . . The poetry thrives on this flexibility of tone, its declarations constantly being shifted, contested and contradicted . . . Much of the book is made up of elusive, uneasy parables. . . that hover between pessimism and hope, and the potential of language to articulate this predicament. - the Guardian

    It was about time for somebody to be channelling Eliot, maybe Stevens, Laforgue, and the Metaphysicals to such clashing effect: ‘bright as a seedsman’s packet’, with unexpected timbres and sonorities sabotaged by glockenspiel accents. Pindar is just right for the job - John Ashbery

    In this sparkling début collection Ian Pindar brilliantly fulfils Verlaine’s injunction to the poet to take eloquence and wring its neck. Emporium offers the reader a beguiling and compendious range of styles and voices, and signals the arrival of a fascinating and original poet - Mark Ford


    Figure Study
    Mrs Beltinska in the Bath
    On the French Riviera
    Monsters of Philosophy
    A Dog One Afternoon
    Society of Blood
    Anecdote of the Car
    Marc Chagall: The Poet Reclining
    Advice for Travellers
    What is the Matter?
    The King’s Evil
    Les Vacances de Monsieur P.
    Chain Letter
    Of Truth
    Suggestions for Further Reading
    Two Figs
    The Prophecies
    Gods of the Near Future
    After Birth
    Big Bumperton on the Sabbath
    Death of a Senator
    Illustrated Evenings
    Joan Miró: Man and Woman in Front of a Pile of Excrement
    It Takes a Man
    Everybody’s Talking about Antonin Artaud
    The Wasp and the Orchid
    Black Jelly Baby
    Silent Spectres
    The Rainy Day Murders
    An Accident in Soho
    Time Remaining


    Ian Pindar was born in London in 1970. He published his first work, a life of James Joyce, in 2004. Emporium, his debut poetry collection, appeared in 2011. Constellations is his second collection. His poems have appeared in The English Review, The Forward Book of Poetry 2011 and 2012 ... read more
    Awards won by Ian Pindar Short-listed, 2010 Forward Prize for Best Single Poem Commended, 2010 Supplementary prize in the Bridport Prize
    Runner-up, 2009 National Poetry Competition 2009
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