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A Field of Large DesiresA Greville Press Anthology 1975-2010Edited by Anthony AstburyForeword by
Categories: 21st Century, Anthologies
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry Publisher: Carcanet Press Available as: Paperback (240 pages) (Pub. Jul 2010) 9781847770509 Out of Stock
Launched in 1979 by Anthony Astbury, with the support of Harold Pinter, the Greville Press has quietly established itself as indispensable to those who love poetry. Its pamphlets have built a reputation for discoveries of the new and recoveries of the neglected; for championing translations of great world poets and delighting in the classics of English literature – above all, for their manifest enthusiasm for the enriching pleasures of poetry in all its variety. A Field of Large Desires offers a sampler of poems that have been published by the Greville Press: it is both a treasure trove and a celebration of a remarkable venture. That the Greville Press should simultaneously publish a first collection by Kate Ellis, a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl from Derby, and the first translations of the poems of Arseny Tarkovsky, father of the filmmaker Andrey Tarkovsky, is typical of the small firm's exhilarating eclecticism. - The Independent Cover image: Figure from the ceiling of Empress Maria Anna's Room (detail), fresco, 18th century, Italian school. Villa Nazionale Pisani, Stra, Veneto, Italy / The Bridgeman Art Library. Cover design: StephenRaw.com
Preface by Grey Gowrie xiii ALEX ALLISON (1920–1968) Olive Tree GILLIAN ALLNUTT (1949– ) from Lizzie Siddall: Her Journal (1862) ‘Laudanum’ ‘I, Lizzie, once a girl’ ANYTE (3 BC) translated by Carol Whiteside and John Heath-Stubbs On a Dolphin ‘Many times lamenting, Cleina, the mother’ ‘In life this man was Manes, a slave’ GUILLAUME APOLLINAIRE (1880–1918) translated by Oliver Bernard Zone ALISON APPLEBE (1948– ) Woman Gargoyle Sex Objects ANTHONY ASTBURY (1940– ) Letter Warwick Loss English Lesson GEORGE BARKER (1913–1991) Roman Poem III Morning in Norfolk CHARLES BAUDELAIRE (1821–1867) translated by Arthur Osborne Le Voyage WILLIAM BELL (1924–1948) ‘All summer long in dreams I would remember’ ‘Perhaps the unbroken colt beside the river’ GIACONDA BELLI (1948– ) translated by John Lyons New York THOMAS BLACKBURN (1916–1977) The Unpredictable An Epitaph ROBERT BRIDGES (1844–1930) Triolet EMILY BRONTË (1818–1848) ‘I am the only being whose doom’ NORMAN CAMERON (1905–1953) A Visit to the Dead THOMAS CAMPION (1567–1620) ‘Never weather-beaten Saile more willing bent to shore’ THOMAS CAREW (1594–1640) Persuasions to Love CATULLUS (c. 84–54 BC) translated by Peter Whigham ‘Lesbia’ THOMAS CHATTERTON (1752–1770) ‘Walpole! I thought not I should ever see’ JOHN CLARE (1793–1864) The Gipsy Camp HARTLEY COLERIDGE (1796–1849) Song (‘The earliest wish I ever knew’) ABRAHAM COWLEY (1618–1667) The Innocent Ill HART CRANE (1899–1932) Episode of Hands Repose of Rivers Eternity ELIZABETH DARYUSH (1887–1977) ‘Autumn, dark wanderer halted here once more’ ‘Anger lay by me all night long’ Still-Life SIR JOHN DAVIES (1567–1626) from Orchestra ‘Thus they who first did found a commonweal’ GAIL DENDY (1957– ) The Coin of Africa Assault Goodbye and All That EMILY DICKINSON ((1830–1886) ‘To lose one’s faith – surpass’ ERNEST DOWSON (1867–1900) Vitae Summa Brevis Spem Nos Vetat Incohare Longam NESSIE DUNSMUIR (1908–1999) ‘I would have chosen children’ ‘He for whose sake’ LAWRENCE DURRELL (1912–1990) Nobody A Patch of Dust KATE ELLIS (1976– ) festivals of mouthpieces MARTIN FARREN (1942– ) from The Name of This Poem Is Always the Same ‘– all that concrete, steel’ JAMES ELROY FLECKER (1884–1915) The Translator and the Children Oxford Canal B.H. FRASER (1961– ) Business Centre GEORGE GASCOIGNE (1539–1577) The Green Knight’s Farewell to Fancy DAVID GASCOYNE (1916–2001) The cold renunciatory beauty A Tough Generation GEOFFREY GODBERT (1938– ) Of course you are beautiful GREY GOWRIE (1939– ) From Primrose Hill W.S. GRAHAM (1918–1986) Letter VI The Beast in the Space Greenock at Night I Find You ROBERT GRAVES (1895–1986) Despite and Still What We Did Next Ouzo Unclouded FULKE GREVILLE, LORD BROOKE (1554–1628) ‘Man, dream no more of curious mysteries’ ANGELA HALL (1941– ) She Always Sang IAN HAMILTON (1938–2001) Almost Nothing Biography Rose JOHN HEATH-STUBBS (1918–2006) Prayer to Saint Lucy The Green Man’s Last Will and Testament Quatrains EDWARD, LORD HERBERT OF CHERBURY (1583–1648) A Description GEORGE HERBERT (1593–1633) Sin ROBERT HERRICK (1591–1674) The Vine NAZIM HIKMET (1902–1963) translated by Richard McKane Advice for Someone Going into Prison LIBBY HOUSTON (1941– ) The Story of Arachne LIONEL JOHNSON (1867–1902) To Morfydd The Dark Angel JULIE KANE (1952– ) Kissing the Bartender JUDITH KAZANTZIS (1940– ) The Dump MARIUS KOCIEJOWSKI (1949– ) The Water Clock Babel WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR (1775–1864) Dying Speech of an Old Philosopher EUGENE LEE-HAMILTON (1845–1907) La Balue to Louis XI Chastelard to Mary Stuart GIACOMO LEOPARDI (1798–1837) translated by John Heath-Stubbs The Infinite RICHARD LOVELACE (1618–1657) To Chloris: Love Made in the First Age ANTONIO MACHADO (1875–1939) translated by Charles Tomlinson Poem of a Day JOHN MASEFIELD (1878–1967) from Reynard the Fox ‘The lurcher dogs soon shot their bolt’ DANNY MILNE (1938– ) Abandonment ROBERT NYE (1939– ) Eurynome Not Looking EDNA O’ BRIEN (1932– ) from On the Bone ‘Forget the fine phrases’ JULIAN ORDE (1917–1974) Conjurors CLERE PARSONS (1908–1931 Suburban Nature Piece BORIS PASTERNAK (1890–1960) translated by Michael Harari Unique Days Bread FERNANDO PESSOA (1888–1935) translated by Jonathan Griffin Tobacconist’s HAROLD PINTER (1930–2008) The Irish Shape I know the place Cancer Cells PO CHÜ-I (AD 772–846) translated by Arthur Waley Song and Dance The Chrysanthemums in the Eastern Garden ROBERT M. POLLET (1945–1985) Egyptian Child JOHN PRESS (1920–2007) Womanisers The Shadows ROGER PRINGLE (1944– ) Neighbours SALLY PURCELL (1944–1998) Guenever and the looking-glass March 1603 HENRY REED (1914–1978) The Auction Sale JAMES REEVES (1909–1978) The Little Brother The Prisoners ANNE RIDLER (1912–2001) A Matter of Life and Death ALAN ROSS (1922–2001) Angel of Harwich Clothes on a Chair Leave Train MARTIN SEYMOUR-SMITH (1928–1998) On the Beach Learning to Fall Out of Love C.H. SISSON (1914–2003) ‘If love and death are one and the same thing’ For the Queen’s Jubilee Ellick Farm ELIZABETH SMART (1913–1986) Slightly Rhyming Verses for Jeff Bernard’s Fiftieth Birthday A.C.H. SMITH (1935– ) Structures of Cancer STEVIE SMITH (1902–1971) To Carry the Child BERNARD SPENCER (1909–1963) On the ‘Sievering’ Tram Part of Plenty JON STALLWORTHY (1935– ) War Poet GASPARA STAMPA (c. 1523–1554) translated by Sally Purcell ‘Love, standing by my side’ ‘All the planets in heaven, all the stars’ SIR JOHN SUCKLING (1609–1642) Song (‘Honest lover whatsoever’) A.C. SWINBURNE (1837–1909) A Leave-Taking ARSENY TARKOVSKY (1907–1989) translated by Richard McKane ‘I dreamed this dream and I still dream of it’ FRANCIS THOMPSON (1859–1907) Nightmare of the Witch Babies THOMAS TRAHERNE (1637–1674) Shadows in the Water HENRY VAUGHAN (1622–1695) The Old Man of Verona out of Claudian Peace ANNA WICKHAM (1884–1947) The Fired Pot HUGO WILLIAMS (1942– ) Some R&B and Black Pop Legend Balcony Scene JOHN WILMOT, EARL OF ROCHESTER (1647–1680) Upon Nothing HENRY WOOLF (1930– ) ‘Who taught you’ Parents DAVID WRIGHT (1920–1994) Encounter in a Glass Winter Verses for Tambimuttu List of Greville Press Publications, 1975–2010 Index of Titles Acknowledgements
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