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an admirable concern to keep lines open to writing in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and America.
Seamus Heaney


New and Selected Poems

Ian Pople

Cover of Spillway by Ian Pople
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Categories: 21st Century, British
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (196 pages)
(Pub. Jun 2022)
£15.99 £14.39
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(Pub. Jun 2022)
£12.79 £11.51
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  • Description
  • Author
  • Reviews
  • Ian Pople is a man of the world. He has travelled and taught in the UK, Greece, Sudan and Saudi Arabia. His poems explore England, the larger world, and how changing perspectives readjust the sense of England and of home. They deal with borders, crossings, closing boundaries. They are about transitions in space and time, the ways life and relationships change and adapt to illness, love, estrangement and loss.

    The traveller changes identities as he moves, responding to different surroundings, and the early poems collected here provide a varied retrospect, moving through Africa, Europe and Asia – so that we read the more recent work from a different perspective. The travel poems explore the range of reactions, appropriations and misappropriations as physical and psychological boundaries are crossed. More recent writing responds to music and the visual arts, using assemblages or bricolage to convey the painfully familiar experience of displacement, dislocation. There are poems that answer back to figures from jazz history, Roland Kirk, Dupree Bolton and Pat Metheny among them. It is wonderful to encounter such an accomplished and varied body of work which shares with us its vivid spaces and tones. Pople, a lucid critic of modern and contemporary – especially American – poetry, is an original artist in his own right.
    Ian Pople was born in Ipswich and educated at the British Council, Athens, and the universities of Aston, Manchester and Nottingham. He has taught English in secondary and higher education in UK, Sudan, Greece and Saudi Arabia. He taught at the University of Manchester for over twenty years.  ... read more
    'This is a volume that has much to offer the sensitive persistent reader: the product of a self-questioning but energetic mind, with an Apollonian sense of style and beauty.'

    Jonathan Timbers, The High Window

    'Ian Pople is a quietly meticulous poet with a substantial body of work deserving far wider visibility than it's so far received. His latest collection Spillway: New and Selected Poems is an opportunity to savour his verbal delicacy and fine-tuning. Pople brings a meditative intensity at times to the observations he records.'

    Carol Rumens, The Guardian

    'Ian Pople writes poems of such intense observation they amount to a kind of grace. In his concise idylls, undeceived odes, and scrupulous ekphrastics, the sometimes ominous and always indigenous details resolve as if by action-at-a-distance to a mystery that never decays into cynicism or belief. It feels suddenly timely as well as sustaining to have his vision assembled in a major selection at last.'

    Douglas Crase

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