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Collected PoemsMarius Kociejowski10% off eBook (EPUB)
10% off Paperback
Categories: 21st Century, British, Canadian
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry Publisher: Carcanet Press Available as: Paperback (112 pages) (Pub. Feb 2019) 9781784106997 £12.99 £11.69 eBook (EPUB) Needs ADE! (Pub. Feb 2019) 9781784107000 £10.39 £9.35 To use the EPUB version, you will need to have Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) installed on your device. You can find out more at https://www.adobe.com/uk/solutions/ebook/digital-editions.html. Please do not purchase this version if you do not have and are not prepared to install, Adobe Digital Editions.
Two decades ago a critic characterised Marius Kociejowski as a poet ‘whose imagination prowls the geographical boundaries of western culture’. He has a Polish name, was born in Canada, and lives in London where he collects other exiles, listens to their lives and writes them up. God’s Zoo (Carcanet, 2014), Evan Jones describes as ‘a world journey through London’s exiled and émigré artists, writers, poets and musicians’. He likes middle-length forms, less the lyric than the epylion, the epistle, dramatic monologue and eclogue. One of his tutelary spirits is the great Leopardi. Music is everywhere, notably Chopin and George Sand: music seems to propose some of the forms he chooses and how he modulates them. ‘All parts give meaning to the whole,’ he says, and proves it again and again. Kociejowski has produced over the last five decades a fine, refined body of work which this book celebrates.
Awards won by Marius Kociejowski
Winner, 1991 Cheltenham Prize for Coast
'Difficulty has its own rewards in Kociejowski, whose careful orchestrations of language open up unexpected delights for the reader... These wonderful poems might serve as an antidote to the dumbing-down of modern life.'
Ian Thomson, The Catholic Herald |
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