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A Selection

Publius Papinius Statius

Translated by W.G. Shepherd and Anthony Howell

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Imprint: Anvil Press Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (96 pages)
(Pub. Aug 2007)
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  • Description
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  • In this delightful homage to the now unfashionable Neapolitan poet, two contemporary poets who share a fascination with his work present their selection of fresh versions from his best-known collection. In their introductions they explore the background to his work and the qualities, literary and human, which drew them to him.

    Publius Papinius Statius
    Publius Papinius Statius (c. AD 45–96) was a prize-winning poet whose reputation remained high until well into the Middle Ages. He featured both in Chaucer’s House of Fame (as ‘Stace’) and in Dante’s Divine Comedy, where he is called ‘il dolce poeta’. ... read more
    W.G. Shepherd
    W.G. (Bill) Shepherd (1935–2012) was educated at Jesus College, Cambridge. His National Service was in the Royal Artillery. He worked for many years in industry before becoming a therapeutic counsellor. His Horace: The Complete Odes and Epodes and Propertius: The Poems were published as Penguin Classics in the 1980s. Three collections ... read more
    Anthony Howell
    Anthony Howell was born in 1945. A former dancer with the Royal Ballet and subsequently a performance artist – he founded the Theatre of Mistakes 1974 – he has always been as active in literature as he has in movement. He has published several collections of poems and two novels. During ... read more
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