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Treading Lightly

Selected Poems 1961-1975

Jacques Reda

Translated by Jennie Feldman

Imprint: Anvil Press Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (144 pages)
(Pub. Oct 2005)
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  • Description
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  • The first English selection of Jacques Réda’s poems draws on his earliest major collections, widely regarded as among his finest: Amen, awarded the Priz Max Jacob, 1968; Récitatif, 1970; and La Tourne, 1975. These were a formative influence on the ‘new lyricism’ that was to change the direction of French poetry in the 1980s. With an eye for detail and drama, his poems roam from day-to-day Paris to other times and places, striking a wry, pensive note that is at once personal and universal. They will appeal to readers who share Réda’s belief that poetry lives through its rhythm, or ‘better still, le swing’ (he is a respected jazz critic). The music is admirably captured in Jennie Feldman’s translations.

    Jacques Reda
    Jacques Réda, born in 1929, was awarded the French Academy’s Grand Prix in 1993 for a lifetime’s work. In 1978 he became a member of Gallimard’s reading panel; he was editor of the Nouvelle Revue Française from 1987 to 1995. His prose work The Ruins of Paris appeared in translation ... read more
    Jennie Feldman
    Jennie Feldman was born in South Africa, grew up in London and studied French at Oxford. A former award-winning radio producer and presenter, she is married with two children and lives in Jerusalem and Oxford. Her first collection of poems, The Lost Notebook, was published in 2005, as was her ... read more
    Awards won by Jacques Reda Winner, 1999 Bourse Goncourt de la Poésie
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