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First Time in Japan

Anthony Howell

Imprint: Anvil Press Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (64 pages)
(Pub. Oct 1995)
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  • Imagine a character of our time whose affinities are with the Silver Poets of Ancient Rome. A person at the pivot of middle age; cosmopolitan, yet jaundiced – a hedonist with greying temples and expanding belly … This is the persona whose voice permeates First Time in Japan, enabling Anthony Howell to speak without calculating the soundness of the view expressed. As always his poems are distilled from irony, wit and an intensity of poetic craft, creating another unsettling fusion of modernism and bravura tradition.

    Anthony Howell was born in 1945. A former dancer with the Royal Ballet and subsequently a performance artist – he founded the Theatre of Mistakes 1974 – he has always been as active in literature as he has in movement. He has published several collections of poems and two novels. During ... read more
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