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Understand the Weapon, Understand the Wound

John Cornford

Edited by Jonathan Galassi

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Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
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  • John Cornford
    Rupert John Cornford (1915 – 1936) was an English poet, communist and Charles Darwin’s great-grandson. He was a member of the International Brigades and died while fighting fascism during the Spanish Civil War. Born in Cambridge, Cornford was educated at Stowe School and Trinity College. As an undergraduate he joined the ... read more
    Jonathan Galassi
    JONATHAN GALASSI is Publisher and Editor in Chief of Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Carcanet has published his translations of the Italian poet Eugenio Montale which won the Weidenfeld Prize in 1999. He is chairman of the Academy of American Poets and lives in Brooklyn, New York. His first collection of poems, ... read more
    Praise for Jonathan Galassi '... these poems trace out - sometimes playfully, but always with a grave intelligence - the inner trajectory of their speaker's life in language at once jagged and intensely musical.'

    John Koethe 
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