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Companion History of Portugal

Jose Saraiva

Edited by Ian Robertson

Translated by Ursula Fons

Cover Picture of Companion History of Portugal
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Categories: Bestsellers, Portuguese
Imprint: Aspects of Portugal
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
eBook (EPUB) Needs ADE!
(Pub. Jul 2011)
£14.95 £13.45
Paperback (240 pages)
(Pub. Nov 1997)
£20.00 £18.00
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  • Description
  • Editor
  • Professor Saraiva's multi-volume History of Portugal is a celebrated scholarly standard work. Yet, when he published a one-volume Historia Concisa, it proved a run-away best seller in Portugal, and the television series that went with it became a chart-topper. His latest book, produced especially for Carcanet's Aspects of Portugal series, is a history of his country, brief, acute and illuminating, written with scholarly insight and with non-specialist foreign readers specifically in mind.

    To this main text Ian Robertson, author of the well-known Blue Guide to Portugal, has added a historical gazeteer, brief biographies, chronological tables, maps and other elements which make this an essential Companion, the sort of book that a reader in need of accurate, brief and lucid reference will find useful, and every visitor to Portugal will find rewarding.

    The book is generously illustrated.
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