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A Full Cone

Miles Champion

A Full Cone Cover
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Categories: 21st Century, American, British
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (160 pages)
(Pub. Jul 2018)
£14.99 £13.49
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(Pub. Jul 2018)
£11.99 £10.79
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  • Description
  • Author
  • Reviews
  • A Full Cone is Miles Champion's second Carcanet volume. It features a substantial body of new work as well as a selection of earlier writing hitherto unavailable in the UK.

    'It has often been noted that the pace at which Miles Champion's brilliantly intelligent poems unfold is rapid. Ideas and images tumble into words and the words become present as moments of conceptual or emotional consequence. But, though high velocity is in the making of the poems, there is no swift taking away. The moments aren't rescinded; the poems are not a demonstration of lyric evanescence. Champion's work, rather, is about phenomenological consequence, and consequence lingers, lasts. This is a collection of monumental significance—and the work is gorgeous.'
    —Lyn Hejinian
    Miles Champion was born in Nottingham in 1968. He edited Tom Raworth’s As When (Carcanet, 2015) and Ted Greenwald’s The Age of Reasons (Wesleyan University Press, 2016), and, with Trevor Winkfield, co-authored How I Became a Painter (Pressed Wafer, 2014). He lives in Brooklyn, New York. ... read more
    'The pleasure is that each poem is a different kind of challenge . . . the invention is spectacular and always 'up'.'
    Larry Price
    'By turns playful, insightful, erudite and essential, this is a poetry for the fluctuating times that we live in... Brilliant stuff. A Full Cone is one of my books of the year.'
    Andrew Taylor, Stride
     'Witness the cascades of words and listen to the silence between lines. The interstitial quietus common to Champion's many concrete excursions acts to vivify the text which it divides, so that the outrageous concatenation of everyday cultural artefacts is rendered explosive.'
    Steve Whitaker, The Yorkshire Times
     'It has often been noted that the pace at which Miles Champion's brilliantly intelligent poems unfold is rapid. Ideas and images tumble into words and the words become present as moments of conceptual or emotional consequence. But, though high velocity is in the making of the poems, there is no swift taking away. The moments aren't rescinded; the poems are not a demonstration of lyric evanescence. Champion's work, rather, is about phenomenological consequence, and consequence lingers, lasts. This is a collection of monumental significance - and the work is gorgeous.'
    Lyn Hejinian
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