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BugsAntony Dunn10% off
Categories: 21st Century, British
Imprint: OxfordPoets Publisher: Carcanet Press Available as: Paperback (64 pages) (Pub. Sep 2009) 9781903039953 £9.95 £8.96
He'd like the creature cocooned in his chest
to stop turning over - to burst from his mouth on unspeakable wings. He'd like to say something that she'd understand, but can't pin it down. from 'Lepidopterist'
Bugs are the insects we live alongside, necessary and unsettling; they're the fears, the ailments and spies that keep us wide awake at night. The stories in Antony Dunn's third collection range from the microscopic lives of parasitic worms to the lives of the planets themselves. We go from the miniature world of the flea circus to the invisible pervasiveness of electronic surveillance. In an uneasy world, Dunn's characters face down their terrors and find in science, in faith, in love, the courage to go on.
Now heartening, now heartbroken, Bugs turns a magnifying glass on the world to reveal its fascinating strangeness.
Bugged Flea Circus Kitchen Sink Drama Antimony Cup Why Did the Chicken We apologise for the delay Us All Please Berlin Zoo Lisdoonvarna Ladybird First Kiss Maria Ants New Year Instant Poem Skinny Dipping Limequat Lepidopterist Flight Testing One Two Platform Announcements Cold Unsaid Saguaro Nettle Bed Green Love Poetry Hungarian Blessing Three Dartmoor Ponies Tarn How Red Mayfly Sums Up Peace on Earth Eyeglass Ichneumon Wasp Pope Boniface’s Address Connecticut Bees June the Fourth Bread Line Girl with Gun, Ben Gurion Airport Phantoms Taking the Night Air Ultraviolet Alarm Mosquitoes Riding Lights Nematode Worms
Awards won by Antony Dunn
Winner, 2000 Eric Gregory Award
Winner, 1995 Newdigate Prize
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