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an admirable concern to keep lines open to writing in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and America.
Seamus Heaney

The Selected Poems of Po Chu-I

Po Chu-I

Translated by David Hinton

Imprint: Anvil Press Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (224 pages)
(Pub. Mar 2006)
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  • Description
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  • Po Chü-i lived from AD 772–846, rising from humble beginnings to high government office. Although some of his most famous poems are those of social and moral protest, many of his finest are private and meditative; he was a recluse at heart and spent many years in relative solitude. He is regarded by many Chinese as their greatest poet, but his poems have been known in the West only through scattered versions by Arthur Waley and others.

    David Hinton brings scholarship and a poet’s instinct to the task of translation, as well as great experience in translating classical Chinese poets. With this book Hinton completes his series of extensive selections from the three great poets of the T’ang Dynasty – Li Po, Tu Fu and Po Chü-i.

    Po Chu-I
    Po Chü-i (772–846 AD) was a poet and a government official. He was Prefect of Hangzhou and then Suzhou but was banished a number of times for arguing against the government. In 832 he retired to the Hsiang-shan monastery near the eastern capital. Late in life he suffered from paralysis in ... read more
    David Hinton
    David Hinton studied Chinese at Cornell University. His many translations of ancient Chinese poetry have earned wide acclaim for creating compelling English poetry that conveys the texture and density of the originals. He has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship as well as numerous fellowships from The National Endowment for the Arts ... read more
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