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The Portuguese: the Land and its People

Marion Kaplan

Cover Picture of The Portuguese: the Land and its People
Categories: 20th Century, Portuguese
Imprint: Aspects of Portugal
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (412 pages)
(Pub. Mar 2006)
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  • Description
  • Author
  • Contents
  • Reviews
  • The first edition of Marion Kaplan's The Portuguese: The Land and its People was acclaimed by Portuguese readers, visitors to the country, and those eager to discover the rich history and dynamic present of a superficially familiar but still little-known nation of Europe. Now revised, with a fully updated travel advisory section, this lively portrait of Portugal is once more available.

    Marion Kaplan's empathy for Portugal combines with her journalistic skills to create a fascinating close-up of a great nation transforming itself into a modern European state. Her insights into the intricacies of family life and customs, the institutions of church and state, the social mix of rural communities and vibrant cities, make this an unrivalled introduction to Portugal and its people.
    Table of Contents

    List of Photographs




    1. The Enduring Appeal

    2. From the End of the World

    3. Kings, Queens and Castles

    4. Empire, Earthquake and the Argument

    5. Plots, Shots and Silences

    6. Decorous Despot, Gentle Revolution

    7. The Poor Relation

    8. Family Affairs

    9. The Lovely Land

    10. Hearts and Minds

    11. Treasures of Heaven and Earth

    12. Poetic Pleasures and the Joys of Woe

    Sources and Further Reading

    Kings, Queens, Presidents of Portugal: A Chronology

    Updated Travel Advisory


    Author of The Portuguese--The Land and Its People, Marion Kaplan is a British-born photojournalist who lived for twelve years in Portugal. Previously, during twenty years in Africa, she worked as freelance for magazines and newspapers including Time and The Observer, experiences that led to her book Focus Africa on Africa's post-independence ... read more
    'Marion Kaplan is a photo-journalist who has lived in Portugal for most of the last decade, and her sympathetic eye provides and excellent portrait of the land and its people... From Portugal's medieval kings to its 20th-century dictator, from its far-flung empire to modern family life, this is a wide ranging look at what has turned Portugal into the land we know today.'
    The Good Book Guide.
    'Anyone thinking of offering Portugal as a subject for Mastermind should certainly start here. I learned a lot from the book, and imagine that most readers, Portuguese and foreign alike, would do so too... What comes through very clearly is the author's infectious enthusiasm for her subject and her lively, good-humoured and inquisitive mind.'
    'In this book [Kaplan] informs, stimulates and opens eyes...This book will give guests a new regard, a new understanding and a new affection for the people and the place.'
    The Portugal Post. 
    'Sympathetic, perceptive, lively and full of information.'
    Times Literary Supplement.
    'Here is a book about Portugal and the Portuguese which succeeds in giving us a view, a kind one, without falling into the familiar trap of paternalism or banal anecdote. It is a work of merit, well written and researched...a dynamic portrait. The Portuguese could well to read it!'
    Clara Ferreira Alves.
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