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The Hoop

John Burnside

The Hoop by John Burnside
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Categories: 20th Century, British, First Collections
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (80 pages)
(Pub. Jun 1994)
£11.99 £10.79
  • Description
  • Excerpt
  • Author
  • There is a place in sleep, you hold it
    like the locked space inside a tabernacle
    filled with the radio sounds of childhood,
    the grass-bitters taste of infatuations
    you never outgrew, but packed away like old
    certificates or school reports.
    from 'Personal'
    In The Hoop, his first book of poems, John Burnside takes his bearings from Celtic mythology and from landscape, especially that of Gloucestershire. 'The things that contribute to how I work are botanical texts and drawings, fairy stories, Celtic and Romance literature.' The originality of his work lies in its themes - stewardship of the land, a sense that landscape by being described is being valued and preserved - and in his disciplined eye and ear.
    John Burnside was born on 19 March 1955 in Dunfermline, Scotland, and now lives in Fife. He studied English and European Languages at Cambridge College of Arts and Technology. A former computer software engineer, he has been a freelance writer since 1996. He is a former Writer in Residence at Dundee ... read more
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