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The Anarchist Banker

Edited by Eugenio Lisboa

Cover Picture of The Anarchist Banker
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Categories: Portuguese, Translation
Imprint: Aspects of Portugal
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (420 pages)
(Pub. Jun 1997)
£14.99 £13.49
Digital access available through Exact Editions
  • Description
  • Editor
  • The Anarchist Banker, which starts in the nineteenth century, and the second volume, Professor Pfiglzz and His Strange Companion, present English readers for the first time with a generous sampling of the best classic and new Portuguese writing. This is a European literature only now receiving the attention and acclaim it merits. From Eça de Queirós to Fernando Pessoa and Irene Lisboa, this anthology of stories in fine new translations will extend readers' maps of modern European literature and open windows on the fascinating Portuguese world.
    Eugenio Lisboa was born in Mozambique in 1930 and educated there and in Portugal. An eminent poet, essayist and literary critic, his publications include standard works on Jose Regio and Jorge de Sena, and critical studies of modernism in Portugal. ... read more
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