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Sintra: a Glorious Eden

Malcolm Jack

Cover Picture of Sintra: a Glorious Eden
Categories: Portuguese
Imprint: Aspects of Portugal
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Hardback (220 pages)
(Pub. Nov 2002)
£35.00 £31.50
  • Description
  • Author
  • Sintra is a unique and fantastic place. It is a place to be visited and explored, time and time again, both on account of its magnificent, natural scenery - an alpine setting in the South of Portugal - and its rich history entwined with that of the Portuguese Royal family. Sintra: A Glorious Eden evokes the spirit of this magical place, a cool sanctuary for the monarchy from the overwhelming heat of the city of Lisbon. The reader is introduced to the historical and literary background to what has become a symbol of Portuguese romanticism at home and abroad.
    Malcolm Jack was born in England. He spent his early childhood in Hong Kong and has been a regular visitor to Portugal for twenty years. He has written about eighteenth-century philosophy and literature and edited the works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and William Beckford. ... read more
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