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an admirable concern to keep lines open to writing in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and America.
Seamus Heaney

Gerrie Fellows

Gerrie Fellows
Books by this author: Window for a Small Blue Child
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  • Gerrie Fellows was born in New Zealand and now lives in Scotland with her husband and daughter. She trained as a painter at art schools in London and then worked in various countries as a life model, a secretary and a writer-in-residence.

    Her first collection, Technologies and other poems, was published by Polygon in 1990,followed ten years later by ThePowerlines. Her third collection, The Duntroon Toponymy, was published byMariscat Press in 2001. Her work has appeared in the anthologies Intimate Expanses: XXV Scottish Poems1978–2002, Scotlands: Poets and theNation (both Carcanet/Scottish Poetry Library, 2004) and Modern Scottish Women Poets (Canongate,2003).

    Praise for Gerrie Fellows 'Though her work is often eloquent and moving, Gerrie Fellows is not afraid to be austere, and she is never tempted by mere effect. Reading Window for a Small Blue Child, we discover a poet who understands that bodies are both magical and treacherous, and she illuminates both the magic and the treachery in lyrics of grace, restraint and a spare, but very persuasive beauty.'
    John Burnside
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