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Quote of the Day
an admirable concern to keep lines open to writing in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and America.
Seamus Heaney

Jonathan Mann

Author photo of Jonathan Mann
Books by this author: Collected Poems (Ed.)
  • About
  • Jonathan Mann is editor of the Collected Poems of Anthony Burgess (Carcanet, 2020). He is a teacher, editor, researcher, poet and musician. Jonathan’s research on Burgess has been published in the following books: Anthony Burgess and France (2017); Marlowe, Shakespeare, Burgess. Anthony Burgess and his Elizabethan Affiliations (2012), and; Anthony Burgess: Music in Literature and Literature in Music (2009). His research on pedagogy and academic literacy has been published in the following scholarly journals: Research and Practice in Adult Literacy (2015); Research in Teacher Education (2016), and Journal of Pedagogical Research (2018). He is also co-founder/co-editor of the Journal of Impact Cultures. Jonathan is a curator of poetry through the Capital Letters live poetry series.
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