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Sandeep Parmar

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  • Sandeep Parmar received her PhD in English Literature from University College London in 2008 and her MA in Creative Writing from UEA. She has written extensively on the unpublished autobiographies of the modernist poet Mina Loy. She is currently writing the modernist poet Hope Mirrlees’s biography and editing her out-of-print novels at the University of Liverpool, where she is Senior Lecturer in English Literature and Co-Director of the Centre for New and International Writing. Her Collected Poems of Hope Mirrlees appeared in 2011. Her poetry collections include The Marble Orchard and Eidolon, both published by Shearsman. Her monograph Reading Mina Loy’s Autobiographies: Myth of the Modern Woman appeared from Bloomsbury in 2013. She is an AHRC/BBC New Generation Thinker.
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