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Quote of the Day
Your list has always been interesting, idiosyncratic, imaginative and your translations [...] have been a source of pleasure to me.
Al Alvarez

Anvil Press Poetry

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Cover of Local Habitation: A Sequence of Poems Local Habitation: A Sequence of Poems Peter Dale
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of Material Material Ros Barber
Paperback £8.99
Cover of Selected Poems Selected Poems Aldo Vianello
Trans. Richard Burns, Linda Lappin and Peter Jay
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of Continuum Continuum Nina Cassian
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of Salvation Jane Salvation Jane Greta Stoddart
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of The Maltese Dreambook The Maltese Dreambook Gabriel Levin
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of The Autumn-born in Autumn: Selected Poems The Autumn-born in Autumn: Selected Poems Matthew Mead
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of The Golden Boat: Selected Poems The Golden Boat: Selected Poems Rabindranath Tagore
Trans. Joe Winter
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of The Scattered Papers of Penelope: New and Selected Poems The Scattered Papers of Penelope: New and Selected Poems Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke
Ed. Karen Van Dyck
Trans. Karen Van Dyck, Jane Assimakopoulos, Rae Dalven and Kimon Friar
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of Selected Poems 1940-1979 Selected Poems 1940-1979 Odysseus Elytis
Trans. Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard
Paperback £11.69
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