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Devotedly, unostentatiously, Carcanet has evolved into a poetry publisher whose independence of mind and largeness of heart have made everyone who cares about literature feel increasingly admiring and grateful.
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Cover of Mornings in the Dark: The Graham Greene Film Reader Mornings in the Dark: The Graham Greene Film Reader (2e) Graham Greene
Ed. David Parkinson
Paperback 2e (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of Cuts and Bruises: Personal Terms III Cuts and Bruises: Personal Terms III Frederic Raphael
eBook (EPUB) £8.96
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of Westerns: Aspects of a Movie Genre Westerns: Aspects of a Movie Genre Philip French
eBook (EPUB) £13.45
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of The Humphrey Jennings Film Reader The Humphrey Jennings Film Reader Humphrey Jennings
Ed. Kevin Jackson
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of Dilys Powell Film Reader Dilys Powell Film Reader Dilys Powell
Hardback (Currently Out of Stock)
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