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The City and the Mountains

Eca De Queiros

Translated by Roy Campbell

The City and the Mountains
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Categories: Portuguese, Translation
Imprint: Aspects of Portugal
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Hardback (224 pages)
(Pub. Aug 1993)
£29.95 £26.95
  • Description
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  • Contents
  • By the time Eça wrote The City and the Mountains he was consul in Paris.

    Jacinto, an absentee noble from Portugal, revels in joyous extreme in the latest of French sophistications.

    Circumstances compel his return to his family estates where he redsicovers the values and pleasures of Portuguese traditional life. However, the mature Eça never à thèse or without subtlety; the ironic narrator, Zé Fernandes, though finally repelled in Paris by an 'advanced' society driven by the 'breathless occupation of wanting', insinuates doubts about the perfeection Jacinto finds in a return to the pastoral. This delightful novel, thogh written at the fin-de-siècle, belongs to our time in its wry and telling interest in simpler life-styles.

    Eca De Queiros
    Eca de Queiros was born in 1845 at Povoa de Varzim in northern Portugal, the son of a magistrate. After studying law, he travelled widely and entered the diplomatic service. Married, and with four children, Eca was known as a genial host, a raconteur, wit, dandy, aesthete and bon viveur . ... read more
    Roy Campbell
    Roy Campbell was a South African poet. He was considered by many poets - including T. S. Eliot and Dylan Thomas - to have been one of the best poets of the period between the First and Second World Wars. Campbell's attacks upon the Marxism and Freudianism, and support for causes ... read more
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