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Jennie Feldman

Imprint: Anvil Press Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (72 pages)
(Pub. May 2012)
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    how many are we

    wedged in improbable
    chinks, fidgeting
           amid dry stalks
    we’ve posited one by one
    on what’s left
               of an old design we keep
    (these boomerang wings)
    coming back to

    who crave only

    in truth the sole
                     compelling delight
    we fledged & fell for

                                              let others inherit
                                              the earth

    In Jennie Feldman’s second collection, the earth-shy bird of the title flies high above the territorial rivalries of its region. From the Middle East, Swift ranges across Europe to Scotland, always on the lookout for what coheres in the world and its telling encounters – with a Greek beekeeper, a cello maestro, lone figures on society's margins, the Latin poet Lucretius in an East Jerusalem café. Buoyed by music as well as water, notably the Aegean Sea and the rare rains of the eastern Mediterranean, these poems combine delicacy and vigour in their pursuit of an elusive equilibrium.

    Jennie Feldman was born in South Africa, grew up in London and studied French at Oxford. A former award-winning radio producer and presenter, she is married with two children and lives in Jerusalem and Oxford. Her first collection of poems, The Lost Notebook, was published in 2005, as was her ... read more
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