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The Desert of Love

Selected Poems

Janos Pilinszky

Translated by Janos Csokits and Ted Hughes

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Imprint: Anvil Press Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Hardback (80 pages)
(Pub. Jan 1997)
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  • János Pilinszky (1921–1981) was a unique and compelling voice among the generation of European poets whose work bore first-hand witness to the horrors of war. The distinction of his poetry, as Ted Hughes argues, is both spiritual and artistic: ‘the desolation of [his] vision is equalled by its radiance’. The depth and power of Pilinszky’s poetry are forcefully recreated in these memorable versions by János Csokits and Ted Hughes. The Desert of Love is a revised edition of their earlier selection of his magnetic, intense and haunting poems.

    The added memoir by Pilinszky’s close friend and associate Ágnes Nemes Nagy gives a major living Hungarian poet’s view of his achievement.

    Janos Pilinszky
    János Pilinszky (November 1921–1981) was drafted into the army in 1944 and the horrors he saw, such as the Ravensbrück concentration camp, made an indelible impression on him. His first collection appeared in 1946 but his second was delayed by the communist censorship, because of the combination of his Catholic faith ... read more
    Janos Csokits
    János Csokits (1928–2011) was a highly regarded Hungarian poet who for many years, during the Communist régime in Hungary, lived in exile in London where he worked for the BBC Hungarian service. He moved back to 1989 in Hungary. ... read more
    Ted Hughes
    Ted Hughes (1930–1998) was Britain’s most celebrated poet. He was also a notable critical writer, especially on poets like Vasko Popa and János Pilinszky who were close to his spirit. With Daniel Weissbort he founded the magazine Modern Poetry in Translation in 1965; he was director of the first Poetry International ... read more
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