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Count Belisarius & Lawrence of the Arabs

Robert Graves

Edited by Scott Ashley

Cover Picture of Count Belisarius & Lawrence of the Arabs
Imprint: Carcanet Fiction
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Hardback (360 pages)
(Pub. Jun 2004)
£39.00 £35.10
  • Description
  • Author
  • First published in 1938, Count Belisarius is one of Robert Graves's most consistently popular novels. A historical romance of the sixth century AD, it tells the story of Belisarius, the last of the great generals of the Roman Empire, who reconquered Africa and Italy for the emperor in Constantinople, only to be rewarded with suspicion and humiliation. Lawrence and the Arabs also tells of a military hero, but one whom Graves knew personally and who was still living when this first authorised biography was published in 1927. Both as an attempt to tell the story of the Arab Revolt and Lawrence's place in it, and as an instalment in the growth of the legend of 'Lawrence of Arabia', it is an important historical and literary document. Read together, these books show Graves exploring the nature of heroism in a world grown profoundly suspicious of heroes.
    Robert Graves
    Robert Graves (1895-1985), poet, classical scholar, novelist, and critic, was one of the greatest writers of the 20th Century. Athough he produced over 100 books he is perhaps best known for the novel I, Claudius (1934), The White Goddess (1948) and Greek Myths (1955). Robert Graves was born in Wimbledon, South ... read more
    Scott Ashley
    Scott Ashley is Lecturer in History at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. ... read more
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