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an admirable concern to keep lines open to writing in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and America.
Seamus Heaney

A History of Western Music


August Kleinzahler

Cover of A History of Western Music: Poems by August Kleinzahler
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Categories: 21st Century, American
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (96 pages)
(Due Mar 2025)
£12.99 £11.69
  • Description
  • Author
  • Reviews
  • In a career-spanning selection of poems, August Kleinzahler captures the essence of the West’s greatest music.

    In A History of Western Music, August Kleinzahler’s rhythmic, wry, kinetic style captures the ineffable power and beauty of great songs and artists, as well as the potency of our response to them. In this collection, music is inextricable from life, from landscape, and from the people we remember through it. The poet inhabits the minds and milieus of musicians; he hears arpeggios in the salon of Princesse Edmonde de Polignac and listens to the vibrations of a hummingbird through Béla Bartók. Kleinzahler’s verse not only contains the same sonorous beauty as the compositions he writes of but also the vitality and complexity of the moments we associate with them—the way the soundtrack of one’s life becomes defined by the scenes it scores, and vice versa.

    From John Coltrane to Annie Lennox, from opera to bebop and all the jingles and melodies in between, A History of Western Music is a portrait of the vast range of meaning and memory that music creates and contains in one’s life.
    August Kleinzahler was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 1949. He is the author of more than a dozen books of poems and a memoir, Cutty, One Rock . His collection The Strange Hours Travelers Keep was awarded the 2004 Griffin Poetry Prize, and Sleeping It Off in Rapid City ... read more
    'Much like the best music, Kleinzahler's poems are both personal and communal [...] these poems are electric and moving.'
    Publishers Weekly
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