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The World Before Snow

Tim Liardet

Image of cover of Tim Liardet's The World Before Snow
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Categories: 21st Century, American, British
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
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(Pub. Mar 2015)
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  • Description
  • Author
  • Awards
  • Reviews
  • During a record-breaking blizzard in Boston, two poets met, one American and one English. This meeting marked the beginning of a life-transforming love affair. The story is told in The World Before Snow, Tim Liardet's tenth collection, a book of passionate extremes, in which he discovers new dimensions in language and form. The poems document some of the ways in which a particular species of love can allow for the rediscovery of identity, as all the fragments of persona previously put forth to the world are stripped away to expose a raw new self.

    Twice shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot prize, Tim Liardet is the recipient of many literary awards and Arcimboldo’s Bulldog: New and Selected Poems is his eleventh book of poems. Liardet was born in London, educated at the University of York, and worked variously and travelled widely before moving into higher education. ... read more
    Awards won by Tim Liardet Short-listed, 2015 TS Eliot Prize (The World Before Snow)
    Praise for Tim Liardet 'Tim Liardet's poetry is a concentration of intelligence, fierce but accurate feeling and an encompassing imagination ... Arcimboldo's Bulldog is the work of an exemplary poet at the top of his craft.'
    George Szirtes
    'Tim Liardet makes the human macabre dazzle in the dark.'
    Gwyneth Lewis 
    'It is rare for a book of poems to bring an original and deeply poetic talent to a human story as Tim Liardet does in this collection. There is horror in the story he tells, but Liardet takes the horror to its storm-lit root. The Storm House is a book of poems like no other. It is true poetry, sensationally assembled.'
    Peter Porter
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