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I'm filled with admiration for what you've achieved, and particularly for the hard work and the 'cottage industry' aspect of it.
Fleur Adcock
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The Collected PoemsElizabeth JenningsEdited by Emma Mason10% off eBook (EPUB)
Categories: 20th Century, British, Christianity, Women
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry Publisher: Carcanet Press Available as: eBook (EPUB) Needs ADE! (Pub. Jul 2012) 9781847779632 £25.00 £22.50 Paperback (1000 pages) (Pub. Mar 2012) 9781847770684 £29.95 £26.95 To use the EPUB version, you will need to have Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) installed on your device. You can find out more at https://www.adobe.com/uk/solutions/ebook/digital-editions.html. Please do not purchase this version if you do not have and are not prepared to install, Adobe Digital Editions.
The rarity, the root, the flower,
The things themselves, not the abouts, The magic wand of naming, power That dreads away the darks, the doubts – from ‘In Itself’
The Collected Poems is a new and definitive edition of the poetry of one of the best-loved and most enduringly popular modern poets.
Almost all of Jennings’ published poetry (including work never before collected) and a large selection of her unpublished poems are included here, together with resources detailing her poetry, prose, essays, plays and correspondence. An afterword draws on her unpublished autobiography As I Am and her unpublished theological prose to illuminate the religious faith at the heart of her poetry. Two previously unseen photographs of Jennings and reproductions of two of her little-known ‘picture poems’ complete the volume. Emma Mason, Reader at the University of Warwick who has written extensively on religion and poetry, suggests that Jennings’ achievement is ‘her ability to translate the intensity and happiness of her Christian faith into a canon of accessible poems that reach out to a community of readers’. The Collected Poems enables Jennings’ poetry to speak to a new community of readers.
EARLY WORKS The Elements Estrangement The Lucky Modern Poet Time The Clock Deception Warning John the Baptist Tuscany Cave Dwellers COLLECTIONS 1953–2001 Poems (1953) Delay Winter Love Woman in Love Weathercock The Substitute The Meeting The Infatuation The Three Two Voices The Exchange Sequence from Childhood Adopted Child The Alteration Reminiscence Fantasy Jealousy Italian Light A View of Positano A Tuscan Village The Place Between Afternoon in Florence Deepsea Diver The Planners The Harbour The Arrival The Stranger Identity The Geologist The Settlers The Seer and the Blind The Idler Bell-Ringer The Climbers Fishermen From the Cliff The Island A Way of Looking (1955) A Way of Looking Reflections on Southern Light Florence: Design for a City Fiesole: The Search A Sense of Place The Image and the View Not in the Guide-Books Fisherman in the Arno Children in the Square Poem in Winter Song at the Beginning of Autumn Music and Words Astronomer: A Song Different Visions Kings Map-Makers The Enemies Napoleon In This Time New Worlds The Lost Symbols The Nature of Tragedy The Rescuer The Conqueror The Humanists Missing the Point Beyond Possession On Making Tribute Looking Forward For a Child Born Dead Communication Mirrors The Recognition The Return Escape and Return In the Night The Acknowledgement Recapitulation Answers A Sense of the World (1958) The Child and the Shadow Old Woman Old Man The Child and the Seashell The Dandy Young Boy Taken by Surprise The Storm Her Garden The Bird Catchers Five Poems from ‘Sequence in Venice’ Summer and Time At Noon Still Life The Dancers Ghosts During the Hungarian Uprising Absence Disguises The Parting Resemblances A Death The Misunderstanding The Shot Song for a Departure Choices Telling Stories A Fear In a Foreign City The Roman Forum A Conversation in the Gardens of the Villa Celimontana, Rome Companions A Roman Window Strangers Fountain Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome San Paolo Fuori Le Mura, Rome Letter from Assisi The Annunciation The Visitation Agony in any Garden Gift of Tongues Statue and Candlelight The Virgin at Noon Augustine Teresa of Avila Song for a Birth or a Death (1961) Song for a Birth or a Death Family Affairs A Game of Chess My Grandmother Passage from Childhood In Praise of Creation World I have Not Made Harvest and Consecration A World of Light Notes for a Book of Hours A Confession A Requiem At a Mass John of the Cross Catherine of Siena The Resurrection The Counterpart Mantegna’s Agony in the Garden The Retreat Visit to an Artist The Clown Lazarus The Diamond Cutter Stargazers and Others To a Friend with a Religious Vocation Children and Death A Kind of Understanding Visit to a Friend in Hospital Greek Statues The Pride of Life: A Roman Setting Men Fishing in the Arno An English Summer The Room Two Deaths About These Things No Reply The Unfulfilled No Child The Instrument Remembering Fireworks The Sonnets of Michelangelo (1961) I On Dante Alighieri II On Dante Alighieri III To Pope Julius II IV On Rome in the Pontificate of Julius II V To Giovanni da Pistoja on the Painting of the Sistine Chapel VI Invective against the People of Pistoja VII To Luigi del Riccio VIII To Liugi del Riccio After the Death of Cecchino Bracci IX (‘Your gifts – the sugar, candles and the mule’) X To Gandolfo Porrino on his Mistress Faustina Mancina XI To Giorgio Vasari on The Lives of the Painters XII To Vittoria Colonna XIII To the Same XIV (i) To the Same XIV (ii) (‘If noble concepts have a birth divine’) XV (‘The marble not yet carved can hold the form’) XVI (‘Just as in pen and ink, the high and low’) XVII (‘Lady, how can it be that what is shown’) XVIII (‘With heart of sulphur and with flesh of tow’) XIX (‘More precious am I to myself than ever’) XX (‘How much a garland pleases when it lies’) XXI (‘To others merciful and only to’) XXII (‘If in the face, if in the gazing eyes’) XXIII (‘Both near and far my eyes can see your face’) XXIV (‘Well-born spirit, in whom we see reflected’) XXV (‘“Tell me, I beg, Love, if my eyes indeed’) XXVI (‘Grace, Lady, equally with sorrow may’) XXVII (‘I cannot shape an image or acquire’) XXVIII (‘The living portion of my love is not’) XXIX (‘The first day I beheld so much unique’) XXX To Tommaso de’ Cavalieri XXXI To Tommaso de’ Cavalieri XXXII (‘If love is chaste, if pity comes from heaven’) XXXIII (i) (‘So that your beauty may not lose its power’) XXXIII (ii) (‘In order that your beauties may endure’) XXXIV (‘Eternal fire is kindly to cold stone’) XXXV (‘This fire, which burns me fiercely and consumes’) XXXVI (‘If the immortal longing which inspires’) XXXVII (‘If someone has been favoured with a great’) XXXVIII (‘Give to my eyes a natural stream or spring’) XXXIX (‘Reason is sympathetic when I claim’) XL (i) (‘I know not if it is the longed-for night’) XL (ii) (‘I know not if it is imagination’) XLI (‘He who from nothing made all things ordained’) XLII (‘Each shuttered room and every covered place’) XLIII (‘Since Phoebus does not stretch his shining hands’) XLIV (‘Oh night, oh sweetest time although obscure’) XLV (‘When a lord thrusts his servant into prison’) XLVI (‘If a small, steady flame can quickly dry’) XLVII (‘If any fire could equal that great light’) XLVIII (‘Though long delay breeds greater tenderness’) XLIX (‘From gloomy laughter and delicious tears’) L (‘Too late I realised that from your soul’) LI (i) (‘Now give me back that time when love was held’) LI (ii) (‘Now give me back that time which held my passion’) LII (‘I do not need to look on outward forms’) LIII (‘An ardent love of a great beauty is’) LIV (‘I see in your fair face, my dearest Lord’) LV (‘My Lord, you know that I know that you know’) LVI (i) (‘When you came back into this earthly prison’) LVI (ii) (‘I know not whence it came and yet it surely’) LVII (i) (‘It passes from the eyes into the heart’) LVII (ii) (‘It passes from the eyes into the heart’) LVIII (‘When to my inward eyes, both weak and strong’) LIX (‘Only through fire can the smith pull and stretch’) LX (i) (‘Sometimes hope rises strongly with desire’) LX (ii) (‘At times, pure love may justly be equated’) LXI On the Death of Vittoria Colonna LXII On the Death of the Same LXIII On the Death of the Same LXIV On the Death of the Same LXV To Giorgio Vasari LXVI (‘By the world’s vanities I’ve been distracted’) LXVII (‘There is no lower thing on earth than I’) LXVIII To Monsignor Lodovico Beccadelli LXIX (‘My death is certain but the hour unsure’) LXX (‘Loaded with years and full of all my sins’) LXXI (‘Now that I need men’s pity and compassion’) LXXII (‘Then let me see you everywhere I go’) LXXIII (‘Unburdened by the body’s fierce demands’) LXXIV (i) (‘Simply the longing for more years to live’) LXXIV (ii) (‘Often, I think, a great desire may’) LXXV (‘I wish, God, for some end I do not will’) LXXVI (‘Those souls for whom you died were sad as well’) LXXVII (‘Although it saddens me and causes pain’) LXXVIII (‘Dear to me is sleep: still more, being made of stone’) Recoveries (1964) Sequence in Hospital Nerves Old Man Asleep Works of Art Man in a Park Still Life and Observer Father to Son For a Visionary Poet Domestic Dramas Exodus Retort to the Anti-Abstractionists The Confidence Warning to Parents Happy Families Darkness Mah Jong Not at Home The Storm House Problems of Viewing Admonition The Nightmare Parts of a Zodiac The Young Ones Bewilderment Planck’s Theory of Chance The Sumach Tree ‘Wedding Rites at Tipasa’ For Albert Camus A Picture The Shells Eighty-one Years Old A Thought from Aquinas The Destroyers Pigeons A Game of Cards A New Pain The Mind Has Mountains (1966) In a Mental Hospital Sitting-room Diagnosis and Protest Madness Reflections on a Mental Hospital The Interrogator Van Gogh The Jump Attempted Suicides Lisa Questions Night Sister The Illusion Hysteria Words From Traherne A Nurse Gone Sick Final Considerations Samuel Palmer and Chagall On a Friend’s Relapse and Return to a Mental Clinic Old Age Night Garden of the Asylum A Baby Born in Hospital Personal Easter A Depression Grove House, Iffley Suicides Caravaggio’s Narcissus in Rome Chinese Art Late Child Love Poem One Flesh Thinking of Love Van Gogh Again A Birthday in Hospital New Poem Simply Blue Candles My Room Trees Just Another Poem Unkind Poem about People who are Mildly Deranged A Limerick and So On Poem about the Breakdown of a Breakdown Sea The Secret Brother and Other Poems for Children (1966) The Secret Brother Thomas the Ginger Cat Holidays at Home Kites A Sort of Chinese Poem The Ginger Cat The Hamster My Animals The Ugly Child Chop-Suey The Radio Men The Ark Tiffany: a Burmese Kitten London Friends At Night Rhyme for Children Mirrors Old People Chocolate Adam and Eve Love Poem Clothes Mary The Dead Bird Christmas Lullaby New Poems from Collected Poems (1967) For Love The Circle The Shaking World A Dream of Birth The Boy The Operation The Novice Shock The Bonfire Volcano and Iceberg Gale The Animals’ Arrival (1969) The Animals’ Arrival The Day Sculptor A Pattern First Man A Simple Sickness The Plough Fire Of Languages The Soldiers The Unknown Child Never to See Resolve Birth Hospital Garden Interviews The Source The Broken Minds Cold Winter Loving Hunting Ago Waking Bonnard Matador Sand This Summer The Sea Demands Lodgings The Nightmares Outside Silence of Winter Transfigurations A Letter to Peter Levi These Silences Congo Nun Raped Motor-Racer Mediterranean Any Poet’s Epitaph Lucidities (1970) Light For My Dead Father Considerations Literary Fashions Port Meadow, Oxford For George Seferis, Greek Poet Moving In Revival Forebodings Weeping Harsh Words In Retrospect and Hope A Decision Revelation An Experience Evening Prayer, by Rimbaud The Sly One, by Rimbaud Sensation, from Rimbaud First Evening, by Rimbaud My Bohemian Life, after Rimbaud The Rooks, by Rimbaud Bedsitters Mrs Porter To One Who Read My Rejected Autobiography Vocations Analysis of a Situation This World Rouault The Future This Darkness Doubts Rain Stillness Passions I Am Myself Longings The Children Misfits Journey through Warwickshire to Oxford Relationships (1972) Relationships Friendship Upon a Thread A Sonnet Let Things Alone Narcissus For Emily Dickinson The Sea A Wonder In Memory of Anyone Unknown to Me Water All Quarrels Making a Silence Sympathy A Very Young Mother Hurt Rembrandt The Seven Deadly Sins A Dream Undreamt Sea Love Fear Of Love Skies From the Heights Missing a Mirage Italian Memories Happiness in Rome Quiet Wars Kinds of Tears Blame Yourself Tears Not Counting Time The Drunk Craftsmanship with Fish Almost Falling Asleep The Climb The Wood The Caves Sheer Rage The Roses A Paradox Growing Points (1975) Beech Growing Transformation To the Core A Quartet Rhetoric Trance In a Garden Grapes Among Strangers The Quality of Goodness No Rest For the Mind Explorers Thunder and a Boy Freshness A Quiet Enemy I Feel Bird Study Towards a Religious Poem After a Time The Lord’s Prayer Meditation on the Nativity Christ on the Cross Lent Beginning 1974 Easter Duties Whitsun Sacrament Out of the Heights The Nature of Prayer Thomas Aquinas Open to the Public In a Picture Gallery Mondrian Rembrandt’s Late Self-Portraits Mozart’s Horn Concertos A Scholar Emperor of the Tang Dynasty Wonder A Chinese Sage Elegy for W.H. Auden Prospero Hopkins in Wales Performer A Play at Avignon Opera After a Play Creators in Vienna Orpheus Persephone Snake Charmer The Minotaur Not Abstract Little Peace Spy Prisoner Behind All Iron Curtains Happenings Not for Use Wishes Ends Particular Childhood in Lincolnshire Losing and Finding An Event Usage A Third Need Accepted An Abandoned Palace Rather like a Peacock Given Notice Leaving a Room Deaf Night Worker by Nature An Attempt to Charm Sleep The Poem at Times Box-Room Cancer Observing Celebration of Winter To Go with a Present A Little More Comfort This is Never Going A Gentle Command In Itself Gained Consequently I Rejoice (1977) Lighting a Candle Restlessness Almost Drowning Invocation and Incantation Inevitable Fragment for the Dark Tempered Morning Decision Better than a Protest Drama My Seasons Winter Night Wish Meditation in Winter Bird Sunrise in Winter Let There Be Song for the Swifts Song For Their Own Sake Hatching Much to be Said Instinct for Seasons The Sleep of Birds Star Midnight Decision on a July Night July Island Sonnet for Late Summer Towards Migration To the Ground November Sun Ways of Dying Winter Testimony Associations Old People’s Nursing Home To My Mother At 73 Elegy for My Father Death of an Old Lady Her Hands For an Old Lady of 96 A Disabled Countryman Military Service The Hoarder Ballad War Childbirth A Child in the Night Cradle Catholic A Reflection from Pascal Meditation on the Fall A Magnificat Mary the Huntress Mary Speaks Mary’s Magnificat Christmas Request Words for the Magi Our Lady’s Lullaby Christ Recalls ‘The Massacre of the Innocents’ Christ on His Loneliness The Holy Fool One Who Was Healed Christ’s Final Temptation Christ’s Agony in the Garden In Christ’s Place Prayer to Christ Suffering Christ Surprised Christ Seen by Flemish Painters Christmas Poem 1974 One Creed and Many Michelangelo’s First Pietà Sufism A Meditation on D.H. Lawrence Tolstoy Elegy for Aldous Huxley Change of Plan In a Violent Time For Edward Thomas Questions to Other Artists Reflections on a Still Life Klee’s Last Years Portrait Painting Cézanne For Virginia Woolf A Painter’s Wife Spring Chinese Poem Night Concert at Taormina Ariel’s Song The Aegean Poems for a New Greek Anthology After the Ark (1978) The Animals’ Chorus The Fish’s Warning The Ladybird’s Story The Cabbage White Butterfly The Moth’s Plea The Spider’s Confession Wasp in a Room The Snake’s Warning The Earthworm’s Monologue The Frogs’ History The Bats’ Plea The Swallows’ Speech Gull Thought The Rooks’ Chorus The Robin’s Song The Sparrows’ Chorus The Thrush Confides The Owl’s Request The Cuckoo’s Speech The Cockerel Proclaims The Fieldmouse’s Monologue The Hedgehog’s Explanation The Rabbit’s Advice The Sheep’s Confession The Deers’ Request The Riding School The Black Cat’s Conversation The Lion Cub Finale for the Animals Moments of Grace (1979) Into the Hour An Answer to Odd Advice A Meditation in March 1979 The Sermon of Appearances Among Farm Workers To be a Sunflower Cypresses Outside Greece The Whole Bestiary Flies Goldfinch Friesian Cows Rook Cat in Winter The Shoot A Beseeching Watcher A Christmas Carol for 1978 Forgiveness Never Such Peace The Way of it Channel Port Night A Weather Spell Thought and Feeling I Count the Moments Love Needs an Elegy On its Own Death An Elusive One Haunted House Spirits The Dangerous Ones Spell of the Elements A Chorus of Creation A Chorus An Education A New Patience Euthanasia The Wrong Subject Some Never Forgotten Words of My Mother’s The Gardens Stretch Summer Scene Sea Song Sea-Drunk Spring Twilight Night Moment Night Power The Apt Phrase A Proustian Moment A Chinese Poem Braque’s Dream Christmas Suite in Five Movements Winter Wind (1979) Near the End A Happy End The Deepest Love Winter Wind A Widow Van Gogh The Only Child The Rake Eurydice A Dream of Spring (1980) Winter Argument The Snow A Dream of Spring Instead of an Elegy More Than Spring A Moment of Childhood From Light to Dark Lent and Spring A Difficulty Turn Horse Spring’s Annunciation Into Spring Sermon of the Clouds One Man, One Voice English Wild Flowers A Way to a Creed Celebrations and Elegies (1982) Goings Autumn Sermon of the Hills The Heart of Night Arrival in Bibbiena, Tuscany Remembering Bibbiena in Tuscany A Kind of Catalogue Sparrow Field-Mouse Blackbird Singing Not Mine Over and Over Rescued An Elegy before Death Children at Play Landscapes and Figures Heyday Leaves in the Wind Afterwards Images of Love First Admirers The Near Perfection Given an Apple A Place to Walk In Song of Love and Peace Land of Plenty What we Remember Peace An Unnerving Lesson Imperfection A Dark Passion Recovering from a Death Words about Grief For a Gentle Friend A Hand Lifting Is it Dual-Natured? Painter from Life Words for Music A Kind of Magic The One Drawback I Came Once As the Rooks Are Sources of Light Extending the Territory (1985) The Child’s Story The Features of a House A Bird in the House Green World An Absolute Family History For My Sister The Circuses A Serious Game A Sky in Childhood Love-Story The Last Over and Over Again A Class-Room A Time Ago Passed Partly Tamed The Inheritors Elegy in Spring Friday The Advance of Spring In April Spell for Spring A Supposition Worth A Forgetting Let Summer Thrive A Kind of Magnet Falling Sundowning Into the Clouds Endings Betrayal Ballad of War Clarify A Condition Seasonal Reverie Nothing Confession Ariel Caught As We Wish The Great Mover Missed Chances Two by the Sea Remembering Years Ago Tell Me Love in Three Movements Ways Certain Lessons Anger A Death Alive Eye to Eye Bitter Fruit Pain The Alteration Lovesick Growing Ahead Shall All the Loves I Climbed a Ladder Our Neighbour Mother and Daughter Ages Awake in the Siesta Rome – A Quarter of a Century Ago Particular Music Memories of Rome The Way of Words and Language A Performance of Henry V at Stratford-upon-Avon Song of Time Dawn Not Yet Frail Bone Dust Enough By the Sea Song Water Music Imagination From the Coast Precursors Tributes (1989) A Letter of Thanks Tributes For George Herbert Notes to The Winter’s Tale For Charles Causley For Philip Larkin Tribute to Turner Caravaggio Goya Chardin After a Painting is Finished Tate Gallery The Arts A Roman Trio Spain Once in Greece Anzio The Gulf of Salerno Some Words of My Mother’s in Childhood Fairground Psalm of Childhood Psalm of Discrepancies By Themselves Spring and a Blackbird True Spring Dusk Cloudscape Moon in December Newcomer Aubade A Music Sought Arrival and Preparation Enough Two Together At the Source Always Presences Friendship Total Landscape and Wild Gardens Winter Piece In Such Slow Sweetness For Melody Two Musics All that Departing A Living Death Time for the Elegy Gone The Spirit Lifts One Minute Young Love The Feel of Things Some Solitude Fifteen Years After a Death Legacies and Language The House of Words The Early Work Think Of Art and Time Pigeons Suddenly The Luck of It The Start of a Story Against the Dark The Sea as Metaphor I Heard a Voice Parts Let It Be Waiting The Prodigal Son The Hours Saint Augustine For Easter 1986 Easter Vigil and Mass Gloria In Good Time A Reproach Moving Together Only Snooker Group Life First Six Years A Childhood Religion The Essential Talking of Hume Thinking of Descartes The Force of Time Of Time Distractions There is Time Passion Mastery Energy Turning Inland Resolve On the Edge of My Mind Justice Question Nocturne A Happy Death Beginning Times and Seasons (1992) Grammar Parts of Speech For My Mother The Smell of Chrysanthemums On the Tongue Protest after a Written Interview A Christmas Sequence In Green Times A Child Destroyed Shapes and Surfaces A Litany for Contrition My Ships Springtime and Easter An Easter Sequence For Restraint A Childhood Horror Beyond the Horoscope For Louise and Timothy Romantic Love The Word Meditation An Age of Doubt First Love For the Young The Start of the Universe: April 1992 Inner and Outer Curtains Undrawn Time in Summer First Confession Green Think Of Spell for a Dead Baby Cold Words Ordination Star-Gazing Light Between Leaves A Question of Form Song Death In the Beginning In Praise of Giotto For the Times The Way They Live Now The Poem in Itself Parents Innocence Two Sonnets of Art and Age Two Sonnets for a Czech Friend Poetry Sometimes … November Sonnet Water and Air Beyond In the Nursery Out of Time and Season Time and Love Subject and Object Left in Charge Trees August Heat Living by Love An Old Story When I Was Young Movement and Meaning Leavings Witchery A Father after his Daughter’s Wedding The Happy Regrets Familiar Spirits (1994) The World We Made The First Music An Uncle and Godfather Our Maids Slow Movement: Autumn A Cliff Walk in North Devon when I was Twelve Sky in Childhood Camp First Love A Way to Imagine My Father’s Father Blood Bonds, Family Feelings Cousins, Aunts, Uncles Old Friends A Realisation A Coffee House Bicycles in Summer Sea Music Among the Stars It is not True? Cities: Their Beginning Unto the Hills Love Whispered Almost Squares and Circles Genes, Likenesses After a Film called The Bridge September Still Life The Roots Overture to Spring Steps Towards Poems Passed Down Unsaid Katie: A Portrait In Praise of Anonymity ‘Music of the Spheres’ Two Sonnets on Love and Lust For Louise Aged 12, My Great-Niece My Sister Death of a Father who was a Poet A Very Great Friend and Influence Fables, Lessons The Modes of Love In the Meantime (1996) The Right Givers Prawning Wisdom of the Fields Spring Love The Liberation Dream Their First Snow A House in Nottingham For Charlotte Children in Summer Child of Seven Questions The Need to Praise Oxford, Heatwave, Tourists Somerset Among Late-Teenagers Welcoming Spring The Great Spirits Story Tellers Seers and Makers Hermits and Poets The Sitter Act of the Imagination For Paul Klee Order Sonnets to Narcissus Having it Both Ways Touch Telling the Time Two Sonnets A World of Love Loss of Loss At Mass (I) Which is Which? After Dark At Mass (II) Bread Consecration (I) Consecration (II) Ash Wednesday 1995 A Touch of Existentialism Holy Communion The Spirit’s Power Rome Time’s Element Calvary The Assumption of Our Lady 15th August Flesh and Spirit Spirit and Flesh Lazarus Good Friday Age of Doubt With the Migrants In the Meantime Praises (1998) For my Sister, now a Widow A View of Lazarus Walking in the Dark In and Out of Time The Words are Pouring Rapture of Spring A Unique Gift An Apple Tree A Full Moon Song Just Before Autumn Harvest Home Alone Over Christmas No Visions or Prayers Apology to a Friend Round and Round Famous Parents Childhood Christmas Parties Ballad of a Thinker Teenagers Boston Theatre Praises Reasons for Not Returning Carol for 1997 Makings Two Sonnets on Words and Music Mid-May Meditation Small Hours Myths Within Us Song of Welcome A Metaphysical Point About Poetry Pain Prayer for Holy Week Love’s Struggle ‘Hours’ and Words Song Craftsmen For Seamus Heaney The Book of Love In a Bar The First Time The Limits of Love After an Elegy A Gift of Gratitude At Our Best The Largest Question Concerning History Timely Issues (2001) Regions of Memory A Company of Friends Dance Mozart in the Middle of the Night Dream: A Ballad The Story Country Sounds Out in the Country in 2000 Caring Well-Being Vigour Lullaby for the Old Rage of the Moon October 2000 The Thinker For Any Newish Poet Prayer: Homage to George Herbert Homage to Thomas Traherne Homage to Gerard Manley Hopkins: After Receiving Communion in Hospital Homage to Robert Graves Reflection Looking at Pictures Concerning Imagination (I) Concerning Imagination (II) Concerning Imagination (III) Diagnosis An Awareness Some Months After Anaesthetics Tenderness Lost Time After Four Months of Illness One More Place of Memory Assurance Advice The Hours Prophets Girl at Prayer Advent At Mass All Saints 2000 All Souls Song in November 2000 Carol for 2000 New Year Song Epiphany 2001 Night Song Whitsun Hope Eden Perfection Assurance Beyond Midnight UNPUBLISHED POETRY Juvenilia Wings of the War (BL, MS Add 52598 A, pp. 3–4) The Friend (BL, MS Add 52598 C, p. 1) A Snail Universe (BL, MS Add 52598 C, p. 3) The Cuckoo (BL, MS Add 52598 C, p. 14) To Our Lady (BL, MS Add 52598 C, back of p. 20) A Thought (BL, MS Add 52598 C, p. 21) The Call of the Sea, c.1940 (UDEL, 186/7/87) Moonlight on the Oxus, c.1940 (UDEL, 186/7/87) 1957–1966 Roman Noon, 15 June 1957 (UD, 284/1) The Adversaries, 1957–58 (WUL, 8) Elegy, January 1958 (WUL, 9) Towards Contemplation, 1 April 1958 (WUL, 9) Adolescence, July 1958 (WUL, 1) ‘No Worse, There is None’ 3 October 1962 (UD, 186/1/36) Acceptance (Perversity), c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/17) As I See It, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/18) Before the Interview (Surprise), c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/18) Breakfast in a Mental Hospital, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/19) The Dead Selves, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/22) Discharge from Hospital, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/22) Divers Gifts, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/23) Duty Doctor, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/23) A Father, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/24) Hospital, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/27) Heat Wave: Melons, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/29) Imagined Honeymoon, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/28) Incompatibilities, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/28) A Lesson, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/30) A Memory, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/32) The Mind Has Wounds, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/33) Miro, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/33) The Mountain, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/34) Naming the Stars, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/1/43) On the Telephone, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/2/37) Order, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/2/37) Philosophy in Springtime, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/2/39) Revaluation, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/2/42) Spaceman, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/2/45) Suicide, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/2/46) The Treatment, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/2/47) Two Ways, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/2/48) A Year Later, c.1963–66 (UD, 186/2/50) A Recollection, June 1964 (UD, 186/2/41) Homage to Jung and Freud, 10 October 1964 (UD, 186/1/27) Making in a Mental Clinic, 13 October 1964 (UD, 186/1/31) After a Catastrophe, 17 October 1964 (UD, 186/1/17) For Jung, 25 October 1964 (UD, 186/1/25) Despair in a State of Nerves, 8 November 1964 (UD, 186/1/22) Nativity, 4 December 1964 (WUL, 4) The Question, 4 December 1964 (WUL, 5) Security, 1964 (UD, 186/2/51) The Builders, 1964 (UD, 186/2/51) Prayer, 7 June 1965 (WUL, 8) A Surprise in a Mental Hospital, 11 June 1965 (WUL, 8) A Haunting, 18 June 1965 (UD, 284/1) A Mood of Near-Despair, 22 June 1965 (WUL, 8) Dependence, 23 June 1965 (WUL, 8) Words, 28 June 1965 (WUL, 8) A Kind of Villanelle, 1 July 1965 (WUL, 8) I am afraid …, 3 July 1965 (WUL, 3) Rilke, 12 July 1965 (WUL, 8) Old Inhabitant, 14 August 1965 (WUL, 5) Bon Voyage, 19 August 1965 (WUL,1 ) Thinking of My Father’s Future Death, 27 August 1965 (WUL, 6) Anomalies in Love, 5 September 1965 (WUL, 1) Adumbrations, 12 September 1965 (WUL, 1) Admissions, 2 October 1965 (WUL, 1) To My Father, 10 December 1965 (WUL, 6) Love and the Looking-Glass World, 13 February 1966 (WUL, 4) Tapestry, 27 March 1966 (WUL, 6) An Evening in the South, 19 June 1966 (WUL, 3) Ambiguities, 11 July 1966 (WUL, 1) Episode, 13 August 1966 (WUL, 3) A Briefness, 23 August 1966 (WUL, 1) September, 8 September 1966 (WUL, 5) The Aquarium, 17 September 1966 (WUL, 1) The Wedding Cake, 18 September 1966 (WUL, 6) October, 1 October 1966 (WUL, 5) Words, 30 October 1966 (UD, 186/2/49) Waking in Tears, 18 December 1966 (UD, 186/2/49) 1972–1987 Suddenly, 1972 (GU, 2/1/1) Fever, 1972 (GU, 2/1/4) Rubinstein Playing Brahms’s Intermezzo, 1976 (GU, 2/2/12) Christ Speaks to the Other Persons of the Trinity, 1976 (GU, 2/2/12) Thinking of Ireland in January, 1976, 1976 (GU, 2/2/12) Artur Rubinstein Playing in Old Age, 1976 (GU, 2/2/12) Skier, 1976 (GU, 2/2/12) Bach, 1976 (GU, 2/2/12) Francis Bacon’s Paintings, 1976 (GU, 2/2/13) Christ Speaks to his Father of Homesickness, 1976 (GU, 2/3/2) End of Winter, 1976 (GU, 2/3/2) Ten Years After My Father’s Death, 1979 (GU, 2/8/10) A Hidden King, 1979 (GU, 2/8/10) Give Me Colours, 1979 (GU, 2/8/10) Losing, 1979 (GU, 2/8/11) The Drift, 1979 (GU, 2/8/11) For My Father Again, 1979 (GU, 2/8/11) Ashore, 1979 (GU, 2/8/11) Music for Italy, 1979 (GU, 2/8/11) A Prepared Elegy, 1980 (GU, 2/14/2) A Special Sound, May, 1981 (WUL, 11) Changings, May 1981 (WUL, 11) A Song and a Question, May 1981 (WUL, 11) The Mother of a Hunger-Striker who Died in Ireland on May 4th, 1981, May 1981 (WUL, 11) Words in the Small Hours, May 1981 (WUL, 11) Wordsmiths, August 1981 (WUL, 11) A Smile and a Country, August 1981 (WUL, 11) Unity, August 1981 (WUL, 11) Night Song, August 1981 (WUL, 11) On My Sixtieth Birthday, c.1986 (GU, 2/31/15) Patience, 1987 (GU, 2/27/1) Near Despair, 1987 (GU, 2/27/1) An Elegy After Twenty Years, 1987 (GU, 2/27/1) Elegy for Myself, 1987 (GU, 2/27/2) C.S. Lewis Lecturing in Magdalen Hall in 1946, 1987 (GU, 2/27/3) Sleep Shanty, 1987 (GU, 2/27/5) 1992–2000 In a Taxi, 24 February 1992 (GU, uncatalogued) A Fleck, A Breath, 9 July 1992 (GU, uncatalogued) Reading Poetry at a School, 9 July 1992 (GU, uncatalogued) Two Griefs, 9 July 1992 (GU, uncatalogued) [Untitled], 9 July 1992 (GU, uncatalogued) Romanticism, July 1992 (GU, uncatalogued) Skyscrapers, July 1992 (GU, uncatalogued) A Realisation, August 1992 (GU, uncatalogued) Two Sonnets on Death, August 1992 (GU, uncatalogued) Love and Friendship, 1996 (UD, uncatalogued) Boston, Lincolnshire Childhood, 1996 (UD, uncatalogued) Last Night, 1996 (UD, uncatalogued) A Litany, 1996 (UD, uncatalogued) A Trance of Spring, 1996 (UD, uncatalogued) Banish, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) Blaming, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) Being, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) The Sea, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) Inheritance, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) Dawn, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) Abuse of a Sacrament, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) English Lesson, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) The Vocation, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) After the Fall, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) An Impertinent Interviewer, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) Child in a Café, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) Clocks Back, 1998 (UD, uncatalogued) Afterword, 1999 (UD, uncatalogued) Assisi after the Earthquake, 1999 (UD, uncatalogued) The Farmer’s Lot, 1999 (UD, uncatalogued) Three Attempts at an Aesthetic, 1999 (UD, uncatalogued) A Mood for Painting, 1999 (UD, uncatalogued) The Perky Flowers, 1999 (UD, uncatalogued) Betrayer, 1999 (UD, uncatalogued) The Receivers, 1999 (UD, uncatalogued) Early Rituals, 1999 (UD, uncatalogued) Pietà, 1999 (UD, uncatalogued) Rilke’s Angels, 1999 (UD, uncatalogued) Friendship, 1999 (UD, uncatalogued) Prose, 2000 (UD, uncatalogued) Picture Galleries, 2000 (UD, uncatalogued) Homage to Wallace Stevens, 2000 (UD, uncatalogued) Homage to W.B. Yeats, 2000 (UD, uncatalogued) Hope, 2000 (UD, uncatalogued) Homage to Chaucer, 2000 (UD, uncatalogued) Homage to Henry Vaughan, 2000 (UD, uncatalogued) Homage to Robert Browning, 2000 (UD, uncatalogued) Homage to W.H. Auden, 2000 (UD, uncatalogued) Homage to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 2000 (UD, uncatalogued) With My Hands, 2000 (UD, uncatalogued) Undated Poems Actors (UD, 282/2) The City (UD, 282/2) Contemplation (UD, 282/2) Meaning (UD, 282/2) Thoughts on Dying (UD, 282/2) A Vision (UD, 282/2) The Wood (UD, 282/2) For a Painter (UD, 282/2) ‘Easter in us’ (GU, 2/31/7) For Russian Poets in Prison (GU, 2/31/8) For Seamus Heaney (GU, 2/31/8) Going Back (GU, 2/31/8) Only in Fragments (GU, 2/31/15) Psalm on Contemporary Philosophers (GU, 2/31/17) Remembering Plato’s Symposium (GU, 2/31/17) Where Words Fail (GU, 2/31/22) It’s Magic (GU, uncatalogued) After Thirty Years (GU, 2/25/5) Schizophrenia (GU, 2/26/1) On the Edge of Sleep (GU, 3/7/93) Waking to the Sea (GU, 3/7/93) Abstraction (WUL, 1) Act of Unreason (WUL, 1) Apology to a Psychotherapist (WUL, 1) Approaches to Fear (WUL, 1) Bells (WUL, 1) The Big City After a Year (WUL, 1) A Bowl of Stocks (WUL, 1) A Boy Dying (WUL, 1) By the Fire (WUL, 1) Case-books (WUL, 2) Crucifixions (WUL, 2) A Cure (WUL, 2) Day Patient (WUL, 2) For Sylvia Plath (WUL, 3) For Van Gogh (WUL, 3) Haiku (WUL, 3) In the South (WUL, 4) Jargon (WUL, 4) Love Song (WUL, 4) My Friend (WUL, 4) On a Text by Sartre (WUL, 5) Roman Wine (WUL, 5) The Silenced (WUL, 5) Sonnet at Nightfall (WUL, 5) Thoughts from Abroad (WUL, 6) Transitional Poem (WUL, 6) The Weapons (WUL, 6) The Tormentors (WUL, 10) Afterword Sources Index of Titles Index of First Lines Illustrations Elizabeth Jennings, c. 1950 Elizabeth Jennings as a young girl ‘Poem Like a Picture’
Praise for Elizabeth Jennings
'Anyone who likes poetry will love it if you get them Carcanet's Collected Poems of Elizabeth Jennings. It costs a bit but you do get well over 1,000 poems, with barely a duff one; heck, you could even give it to someone who doesn't like poetry, and suggest it will change their mind.'
Nicholas Lezard, the Guardian, 1st December, 2012 'Offers a broad selection of her best work ... in all its tenderness, insight and acute, stepping-on-ice vulnerability' Michael Glover, The Tablet.
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