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The Centenary Corbiere

Poems and Prose

Tristan Corbiere

Edited by Val Warner

Cover Picture of The Centenary Corbiere: Poems and prose
Categories: 19th Century, French, Translation
Imprint: Fyfield Books
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (240 pages)
(Pub. Aug 2003)
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  • Description
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  • So what! life is a girl who's taken me
    For her fine sensuality...
        from 'Pariah'
    Tristan Corbière (1845-1875) evoked the peasants and sailors of his native Brittany, the bohemians and prostitutes of Paris, in a vivid, fast-paced language that gave a new voice to French poetry and made him a pivotal figure in the development of Modernism, Symbolism and Surrealism.

    Ezra Pound called him 'the greatest poet of the period' and T.S. Eliot wrote that 'Rimbaud, Corbière and Laforgue were for us the masters'. They admired his directness, colloquialism and allusiveness, the combination of empathy with savage irony. Through his influence on Pound and Eliot, Corbière made a lasting impact on the poetry of both England and America.

    This parallel text edition enables the reader to experience Corbière's dazzling, innovative technique and wordplay at first hand. Val Warner provides an essential introduction to the work of this key poet.

    Tristan Corbiere
    Tristan Corbiere was born in 1845 in Finistere, the son of a writer of sea stories. Named Edouard after his father, he later gave himself the name Tristan, in a conscious reference to the names mythic associations. Although his early childhood was happy, he was lonely at school and suffered ill-health ... read more
    Val Warner
    VAL WARNER read Modern History at Oxford and has worked as a teacher, freelance copy-editor and freelance writer. She was Creative Writing Fellow at the University College of Swansea and Writer in Residence at the University of Dundee. She has received a Gregory Award. Her Carcanet publications include the pamphlet These ... read more
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