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Selected Writings

Thomas Ernest Hulme

Edited by Patrick McGuinness

Cover Picture of Selected Writings
Categories: 19th Century, 20th Century
Imprint: Fyfield Books
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (240 pages)
(Pub. Aug 2003)
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  • Description
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  • Awards
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  • Between 1909 and his death in 1917, T.E. Hulme (1883-1917) published works that contributed to, and often defined, the major debates of Modernism. A poet, critic and philosopher, Hulme championed new artists and explored new philosophical attitudes, challenging, questioning and clarifying, but always at the centre of contemporary currents of thought. With his gift for clear-sighted synthesis and grimly humorous awareness of human limitations, Hulme is an essential corrective to the art and culture of his time. In a detailed critical introduction, Patrick McGuinness traces the development of Hulme's ideas, showing how they both reflected and instigated contemporary cultural controversies.

    This selection includes Hulme's collected poems and fragments, and his most important essays on literature, art, politics and philosophy.
    Thomas Ernest Hulme
    T. E. Hulme, aesthetic theorist, soldier, and imagist poet, was born at Gratton Hall in North-East Staffordshire on 16 September 1883, the eldest son of a wealthy family of landowners. He was educated at the High School in Newcastle-under-Lyme, where he developed his characteristically pugnacious attitude to intellectual debate. In February ... read more
    Patrick McGuinness
    Patrick McGuinness was born in 1968 in Tunisia. In 1998 he won an Eric Gregory Award for poetry from the Society of Authors and his work has appeared in the Independent, PN Review, Poetry Wales, Leviathan and other journals and magazines, as well as the anthology New Poetries ... read more
    Awards won by Patrick McGuinness Long-listed, 2011 Wales Book of the Year, English Language Category in The Western Mail (Jilted City)
    'When T.E. Hulme was killed in Flanders in 1917, he was known to a few people as a brilliant talker, a brilliant amateur of metaphysics, and the author of two or three of the most beautiful poems in the English language... he appears as the forerunner of a new attitude of mind...'
    T.S. Eliot, The Criterion, 1924
    Praise for Patrick McGuinness 'There is a huge amount to savor, learn from and enjoy here. Anyone with pretensions to know British writing of the 1940s should read it.'
    Paul St John Mackintosh, TeleRead
    'Patrick McGuinness has constructed a rough guide to a lonely planet, full of unquenchable cultural curiosity and irresistible ironies... Alive to every undulation of the linguistic landscapes in which he moves, McGuinness’s poems often pivot on the cross-cultural possibilities of a single isolated word.'
    New Welsh Review
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