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Selected Works

Thomas Bewick

Edited by Robyn Marsack

Cover Picture of Selected Works
Categories: 18th Century, 19th Century
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (220 pages)
(Pub. Sep 1995)
£6.95 £6.25
  • Description
  • Excerpt
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  • Reviews
  • I have heard those who loved the country, and loved it because they knew it, say that the opening of Bewick was a new era in their lives.

    WILLIAM HOWITT - The Rural Life of England 1844

    Bewick's `talepieces', as he called them, are records of rural life that range from boys' pranks to village funerals; some are portraits of living contemporaries, others show the natural functions of man and beast that no doubt made Ruskin despair of Bewick's `love of ugliness'. These were his relaxation from the equally detailed accuracy of his depictions of animals and birds that fuelled the passion for natural history then developing in Britain.

    The engraver was by no means an unlettered countryman: his friends included radical booksellers and printers, and he had a wide correspondence. This Fyfield edition provides a general biographical introduction, and indicates Bewick's place in the artistic and intellectual developments of his time. The engravings are chiefly vignettes and tailpieces from the General History of Quadrupeds and the History of British Birds, with some examples from the work of his apprentices.

    The editor of this selection, Robyn Marsack, is an editor and translator living in Glasgow. She has also edited Edmund Blunden's Selected Poems for Carcanet.
    Thomas Bewick
    Thomas Bewick lived and worked most of his life in Northumberland. He made a unique contribution to English art: his work as a wood-engraver has not been surpassed. This was recognized in the nineteenth century by Carlyle, Wordsworth, Charlotte Bronte-and Ruskin, who said: `I know no drawing so subtle as Bewick's ... read more
    Robyn Marsack
    Robyn Marsack began her long association with Carcanet Press by editing the first edition of Edmund Blunden’s Selected Poems in 1982, and worked as a publishers’ editor until she became Director of the Scottish Poetry Library 2000–2016. She was a Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellow at the University of Glasgow 2016–2018. ... read more
    Praise for Robyn Marsack 'Readers will be drawn to this book for the poets' letters, but what really dominates is the personality of Schmidt; at the end we are left with a prevailing sense of his editorial vision and an appreciation of his influence and accomplishment in the world of contemporary poetry publishing and criticism... Fifty Fifty is full of energy and play, and not a few crossed swords.'

    Kevin Gardner, Wild Court

     'A window into the award-winning world of Carcanet'
    Tristram Fane Saunders, The Telegraph
    'In celebration of the Manchester-based press' 50th anniversary, a fascinating collection of letters... tracing the eventful history of this small, ambitious and excellent press.'
    The Bookseller
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