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Rockdrill 1: I Know a Man

Robert Creeley

Cover Picture of Rockdrill 1:  I Know a Man
Imprint: Audio CDs
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
(Pub. Nov 2004)
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  • Description
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  • Contents
  • Rockdrill 1: ROBERT CREELEY I Know a Man

    'I write poems because it pleases me, very much - I think that is true. In any case, we live as we can, each day another - there is no use in counting. No more, say, to live than what there is, to live. I want the poem as close to this fact as I can bring it; or it, me.'
    Rockdrill is a series of unusual new audio CDs commissioned by the Contemporary Poetics Research Centre at Birkbeck College, London, & produced by Colin Still and Birdie Hall of Optic Nerve.

    The series includes the work by British and American poets, and combines new and archival recordings. Each CD is remarkable for the scope and range of material included, and for the quality of production. This unique new sound library is scheduled to grow in directions suggested by the initial list.

    Table of Contents

    1. Return

    2. For an Anniversary

    3. The Europeans

    4. The Revelation

    5. Chasing the Bird

    6. The Changes

    7. Stomping with Catullus

    8. The Picnic

    9. The Sentence

    10. Preface to 'For Love'

    11. A Song

    12. The Crisis

    13. The Innocence

    14. After Lorca

    15. The Dishonest Mailman

    16. The Immoral Proposition

    17. The Conspiracy

    18. I Know a Man

    19. The Disappointment

    20. Naughty Boy

    21. The Whip

    22. All That is Lovely in Men

    23. A Form of Women

    24. Please

    25. Oh No

    26. Goodbye

    27. A Marriage

    28. Ballad of the Despairing Husband

    29. If You

    30. Heroes

    31. The Door

    32. Kore

    33. The Rain

    34. Midnight

    35. Mind's Heart

    36. Love Comes Quietly

    37. The People

    38. The Wife

    39. For Love

    40. Preface to 'Words'

    41. The Rhythm

    42. The Mountains in the Desert

    43. For W.C.W

    44. I

    45. Something

    46. Anger

    47. The Answer

    48. Some Echoes

    49. A Prayer

    50. Joy

    51. A Picture

    52. Here

    53. Intervals

    54. From 'Song' (Allen Ginsberg)

    55. As real as thinking

    56. The Moon

    57. Names

    58. America

    59. Mazatlan: Sea

    60. B-

    61. Four

    62. Here

    63. 'Do you think...'

    64. Massachusetts

    65. For Benny and Sabina

    66. Rain

    67. Rain [2]

    68. As Now it Would be Snow

    69. For My Mother: Genevieve Jules Creeley

    Robert Creeley was born in Arlington, Massachusetts. Loosing his father and the sight in his left eye in an accident before the age of five, Creeley's childhood was coloured by insecurity and for the rest of his life he viewed himself as a "dislocated" outsider figure. Creeley attended Harvard University from ... read more
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